Projects & Tutorials – Forum Rules

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    This forum is here for people to create, share & learn from each others projects, involving qmod materials.

    You can create topics showing off your project(s) with images & video to inspire others. Or you can go all out and write a tutorial that others can follow to create a similar project.


    When posting new topics please make sure to come up with a logical name for your project and when making tutorials, come up with a clear structure, such as:


    Example Tutorial – Lemon Battery Setup


    Project image or video (to upload a video, just insert the url like for instance from youtube and when posted it will show up like below)


    I did a project in which I created a lemon battery setup with the Qmod Energy kit, the yellow 3V light turned on in discovery mode & it can charge the block for about 30 minutes before the lemon depletes.


    Energy Block, Electrodes, Cables and a Lemon


    Feel free to add specific images and/or a video to these steps if you have it!

    1. Gather materials
    2. Insert electrodes into lemon
    3. Connect a yellow cable to the positive electrode and a green cable to the negative electrode
    4. Connect the cables to the Energy Block using the output leads
    5. Check lights in discovery mode
    6. Switch to charge mode
    7. Wait till the lemon is depleted, by switching back discovery mode every now & then to check the voltage lights


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Sven.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Sven.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Sven.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Sven.
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